
The Boys Hiding


Many of you out there that have followed us on this blog know that the last year has brought many changes!  It is often very hard, if not impossible to explain how it is that changes come about in life.  Priorities shift. Opportunities arise, and our values are constantly being challenged and re-formed as we travel through life.  

Curiously, it has been almost exactly a year since we posted the last article here.  Over the last year, a lot of things have remained constant here on the farm.  The cows, the chickens, the crops look a lot like they did at this time last year.  (except that the creek bottom isn’t underwater!)  But some things in our lives are much different.  In February, I got a call from an elder of one of the local country churches.  He told me that their pastor was leaving, and they were looking for someone to fill that position, and was I at all interested.  After a couple of meetings, a LOT of praying and discussion between Toni and I, and a church vote, we were hired on the 9th of March.

Church Sign

The transition into our new role has had its share of challenges, but has come pretty naturally so far.  I have always thought that farming and Pastoral work went together well, as the land offers many lessons and lends itself to helping us see God at work everyday.  

We hope to be updating the blog more frequently now, adding content from the church and from the farm.

We love sharing our lives with all of you, and really appreciate those of you who have stuck around for the last year!



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