Planting A Small Fruit Orchard


We have been planning a small grove of fruit trees on the homestead for a long time.  It always seemed like something got in the way of us actually getting it done.  Fruit trees are wonderful and prolific producers when properly maintenanced, and they are a must have for any homesteading family.  Nothing beats fresh fruit […]

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Simplify, Live, Love

Today we are being featured on another great Iowa homesteading blog,  Michelle Marine writes a wonderful blog there about simple life in rural Iowa. 

The Marines are a self employed family of six living in eastern Iowa.  Michelle writes about the family’s adventures as they build a sustainable homestead.  

My favorite story would have […]

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On Self-Direction

2012-09-06 06.11.59

“Many people in the world have the luxury of having someone breathe down their neck.  Homesteaders do not.” 

That may sound like a funny statement, but it is true.  People who choose the homesteading life have no one to blame for their own personal failures but themselves.  This sometimes is a hard pill to swallow when […]

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The Why of Homesteading


It has taken a long time for us to call ourselves ‘homesteaders’.  The term today seems to carry with it images of people in covered wagons, old men living in the hills, or people who are expert gardeners or that seem to always have all the right knowledge and all the right equipment.

There […]

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