Home School Science: Gooey Goo

Once in a while you find something fun in an unexpected place.  You know that table that they always have at the public library where they try to sell all the old books and movies and magazines that nobody checks out anymore for really low prices?  Good finds are few and far between it seems, but last fall my mother in law and sister in law saw this vhs tape there and bought it for the kiddos.



It is a little uncomfortable to watch at first, because everything is so colorful and cheesey (like everything from the eighties), but we found some pretty fun ideas inside.

Yesterday Cash had the idea to do one of the projects called Gooey Goo.

We gathered together the materials:  two mixing bowls and spoons, some borax, white glue, measuring cups and some water.


First empty a small bottle of white glue into one of the mixing bowls.  Then mix it with one cup of water.  It takes some time for all the glue to dissolve.






Then in the other bowl, mix 1 1/3 cups of water with 4 Tbs of Borax until all of the powder is dissolved.  If you want colored goo, you can add food coloring to this mixture.






When both are mixed completely, pour the glue solution into the borax solution.  a rubber spatula helps out on this.




 Now reach in there and begin to pull out the gucky gooey goo.  It’s like magic!   You have to work it a little bit to get all the water out.





Once the goo has drained a little it’s time to play!  The boys had a lot of fun measuring and mixing the goo.  Keep your goo in a sealed container.



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